
Letra de Oh L'Amour - Erasure

Letra de canci�n de Oh L'Amour de Erasure lyrics

Oh l�amour, broke my heart, now I�ll make it for you
Mon amour, what�s a boy in love supposed to do?
Looking for you, you were looking for me
Always reaching for you, you was too blind to see
Oh love of my heart, why leave me alone?
I�m falling apart, no good on my own
Oh l�amour, broke my heart, now I�ll make it for you
Mon amour, what�s a boy in love supposed to do?
I throw it away, why walk out of me?
I just live for the day, oh the way it should be.
There once was the time that you�re here by my side
You said I wasn�t your kind, only here for a ride
Oh l�amour, broke my heart, now I�ll make it for you
Mon amour, what�s a boy in love supposed to do?
No emotional times, don�t remember my name
I lay down and die, don�t know that should be,
oh love of my heart, I�m searching now,
you tore me apart, I hurt inside out
Oh l�amour, broke my heart, now I�ll make it for you
Mon amour, what�s a boy in love supposed to do?

Letra subida por: An�nimo

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La letra de canci�n de Oh L'Amour de Erasure es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Erasure Oh L'Amour lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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